A Face that only a Mother could love?!



Earlier in the Spring, a pair of amorous pigeons were scouting around for a nesting site in the garden.  I understand that they mate for life, and in the past they have managed to create their nest, which often looks more like a ramshackle heap of sticks, on the top of a pergola amongst a purple wisteria.  This year, however Robert had given it a bit more of a thorough pruning, so they decided it was no longer suitable.

Their next choice was in a pear tree growing against a wall, but they were knocking off so many leaves and baby pears that I decided they should be firmly ‘discouraged’!  For a while, I didn’t notice where they went, but Holly the dog soon let me know.  This year, the nest looks slightly less precarious (it even looks more like a nest!) on top of the fence under the white wisteria that looked so fabulous earlier in the year.  And it certainly looks like it needed to be strong with these two chubby little squabs (baby pigeons), and even Mum and Dad before I got a bit too close with the camera.

I think anyone would struggle to say they’re beautiful, but I’m hoping that they work out how to fly pretty quickly, or there might be a little terrier thinking that attractive or not, they’d make a nice tasty treat!

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